Astute Unruly Me

My life in words

Avocation: Reading & Writing (part 1)

*This post contains affiliate links. 

Hobbies keep life interesting and people out of trouble. Try anything that you find remotely interesting. Leisure time is important to your overall well-being. 

Leisure activities include physical, social, intellectual, volunteer, and creative, have a positive effect on self-esteem and perceived wellness and increase one’s sense of emotional well-being

p.25 Jane E. Meyers & Thomas J. Sweeney. Counseling for Wellness: Theory, Research, and Practice 

After trying a lot of things over the years, I have ending up going back to a few time and again: reading, writing, photography, yoga, and cycling. I have a feeling this is going to be long so I will cover it in series.

We need things to do that we do not consider work. The process of obtaining an avocation can be fun and necessary for your sanity. You may also find that you are only working in order to enjoy your leisure. If this is the case maybe rethink your employment. 

Avocation: something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, especially for pleasure; hobby:

Reading & Writing


The aptitude test I took in junior high suggested I become a librarian. Many books have crossed my path, some stayed longer than others. When I couldn’t buy my own books, I had a library card. I also read some blogs and magazines (both digital and print). I prefer long format –> books.

Reading offers an escape from reality that activates the imagination, and in some cases offers better explains of our world. Words make us human.  

My three ways to consume books: physical, kindle, audio.

Physical book

Currently reading The Here and Now Habit by Hugh G. Byrne, PhD. I went to a continuing education lecture and heard him speak. He is a meditation teacher and known expert in positive habit change. When I figured out that you can not only be a more mindful individual but this is also becoming a modality by which counselors can help clients, I started going to these types of lectures. During one of the many meditation breaks I actually became what I call timeless. It felt like I was floating and my brain seemed to be offline (in a good way). Like I was completely aware in a 5 minute nap. SO COOL. I bought the book but didn’t make time to read it. I will now. I’ll inform the masses if it is life changing. 

Kindle book

I bought a kindle when it first came out because it would save us space as my book piles began taking over the house. There are still piles of stuff but those piles are no longer random novels. Last kindle book I read was Origin: a novel (Robert Langdon). I needed some fiction in my life. I have these moments where life gets too serious and you need break it up. This book was true to the review section on Amazon. It does follow the typical pattern of Dan Brown books. There is a murder, Robert Langdon has to rush all over some city rich in art history to solve a mystery. The fact that it was predictable made the read even better. I don’t know about you but I like knowing that the good guy is going to win and it will all work out. I am not sure it that is a spoiler.

Audible book

For several reason I am also an audible subscriber. Last book I listed to was Crushing it! by Gary Vaynerchuk. This book will remind you that anything is possible with positivity and hard work. I am trying hard to remember that my destiny is my fault. Whether bad or good. 


The current goal is to write everyday. Posting twice a week makes this easier to achieve. This is where habit formation comes into play. How do I set up my life so that writing is as everyday as brushing my teeth?

As a self proclaimed writer, I carry two notebooks where ever I go. Unfortunately, I just filled my larger book. Should I buy another notebook or use this opportunity to go digital? I typically carry two sizes a 5.25″ x 8.25″ and a 3″ x 5.5″.  As you can imagine with two note books, my iPhone, and sometimes my iPad my purse gets heavy. I am trying to visualize a world where I go digital when it comes to note taking. So I haven’t bought another notebook yet. Its amazing how much time I spend thinking about things like that. The next make believe problem I will create is deciding which note taking app is best.

Most days I over think what I should be writing about. I started this post six separate times with the same number of titles. I have a better understanding about what I am doing on this blog and that makes content easier. Right now I am focused on documenting and not creating content.  When I try to force content it comes out all wonky. I forget that documenting is just as good. Check out youtube, its FULL of vlogs. 

I have been know to ruminate. Writing helps. I can either sit at my computer or grab a notebook and get the thoughts out. I just write till it stops. (If you have trouble sleeping because of excessive thoughts when your head hits the pillow this might help.) Writing is how I plan to contribute to outpouring of information. 

Next up

There is plenty more to write about.  What do you do for fun?

avocation, reading, writing
Books are for reading

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