Astute Unruly Me

My life in words


Category: Hobbies

On the bucket list: Become a writer

During the early years of my life reading was the only way for me to run away. When I needed to disappear, I would find a book. Reading for me was so magical. I could spend an afternoon on another Read more…

Avocation Part 3: Photography


Before digital When it comes to photography, I tend to overwhelm myself quite easily. I always had a point and shoot camera around before digital was big. Most of my pictures were of people and places, friends and random strangers. Read more…

Avocation: Reading & Writing (part 1)

avocation, reading, writing

Hobbies keep life interesting and people out of trouble. Try anything that you find remotely interesting. Leisure time is important to your overall well-being.  Leisure activities include physical, social, intellectual, volunteer, and creative, have a positive effect on self-esteem and Read more…

Self-care Adventure

As someone who is moderately obsessed with self-help and self-improvement, my current lifestyle is a bit wonky. I read a lot of books, watch a lot of documentaries and videos. My current situation is as follows: I have acne, I’m Read more…