Astute Unruly Me

My life in words


Cash flow

I have this issue. It drives me crazy. I really like to spend money. I like my stuff. I like to eat out. In the past few years I have reduced my spending habits dramatically in an effort to pay off my student loans. Because “life happens” I still have a way to go on the debt.


At one point I had it all figured out an then I was laid off eight months before it was going to be paid off then I added about $40K more.

When I think about this debt, I feel like there is a chain around my waist tightening as I try to move forward. I try to imagine a life without debt. It existed for a few months. We were renting an apartment, I was paying my way through school and we paid off the vehicles. Then we bought a house, I went to graduate school and got a new car. I feel like that was the beginning of the end. A decade later mortgage and student loans.

Being “debt free” and having “financial freedom” are two different ideals and I am not sure if I will ever be freed of the so called “rat race” but not being in debt anymore would be nice.

Things I’ve already done:

Cut spending

I only eat out once a week. I say the balance of my loans to myself as a reminder not to shop.


This is still very difficult. Attempting to create a spending plan while trying to dodge life’s obstacles is infuriating. I’m changing jobs again which is going screw with the cash flow again.

Things I still need to work on:

Cash flow

Find some way to get some more money. Right now the plan is to get the counseling practice off the ground, then find a second job with a salary.

Things holding me up:


This process has taken so long and if I waited any longer to leave my current job I might have lost my mind. With my full license I will be able to get a better paying job.

Back to my issue. I am a bit materialistic. I have expensive interests: photography, technology, new cars. I am aware that a new car is a waste of money and this is one change that has to stick. My current vehicle is eight years old and paid off. Despite what I want a new car isn’t in my future. I still want to regularly upgrade my phone and smart watch. I feel like I have to find new hobbies and interest in an effort to repay my debt. To all appearances I am going to become a different person in order to be debt free any time soon. I am not excited about this. My financial adjustment will be primarily a mental one.