September 25, 2018
That is what I owe for student loans. Its more than what I said earlier. The loans were moved to forbearance for a number of reasons and I am not currently paying on them. So, interest happened. Two master’s degrees Read more…
My life in words
September 25, 2018
That is what I owe for student loans. Its more than what I said earlier. The loans were moved to forbearance for a number of reasons and I am not currently paying on them. So, interest happened. Two master’s degrees Read more…
September 21, 2018
In my efforts to be better I have managed to ride my bike do some yoga every other day this week. A year ago I wrote a post about when and how I started practicing yoga. It was originally posted Read more…
September 18, 2018
I have an idea of what I should be doing and then the reality of it all sets in. When I wrote the post about designing my life. I might have been a little excited. Workout: This is still a Read more…
September 14, 2018
Today is Friday, this is my last day at work. I took this job as a Career Counselor in order to complete my requirement for the LPC application. I am transitioning back to a more typical mental health counselor position Read more…
September 11, 2018
If I look at my food situation like I look at my money situation. A complete overhaul of how I think needs to happen first. Like with my money, eating healthy feels like deprivation and not a solution to long Read more…
September 7, 2018
I tend to find myself thinking in circles quite a bit. Usually after watching several youtube videos. Here are a few examples of my thought spirals. The youtuber, Janell Kristina was talking about 50 things she stoped buying or using Read more…
September 4, 2018
I have this issue. It drives me crazy. I really like to spend money. I like my stuff. I like to eat out. In the past few years I have reduced my spending habits dramatically in an effort to pay Read more…
August 31, 2018
As someone who is moderately obsessed with self-help and self-improvement, my current lifestyle is a bit wonky. I read a lot of books, watch a lot of documentaries and videos. My current situation is as follows: I have acne, I’m Read more…
August 21, 2018
Its been a few months, here is an update. Site update As you can clearly see, I have changed some things around. This theme looks closer to what the version in my head looked like. I dig it. I hope Read more…