Astute Unruly Me

My life in words

The in between: post graduation-pre license

After graduation, life should feel like the start of something new. It doesn’t. Now is the time where you have to convince a practice or agency to pay you for something you have been doing for free for the past year Read more…

Personal vs professional thoughts…

There are aspects to counseling that the professors failed to mention during my master’s program. The most glaring omission is that if you are having a bad day, as most people do, your counselor voice will pop and ask you Read more…

Where to focus

Photo by Stefan Cosma on Unsplash

During our master’s program (which in itself is a specialty, Clinical Mental Health) we are exposed to several other specialties. Couples and families Children Lifestyle and career Community mental health Addiction After listening to several podcasts and reading several books Read more…

How I ended up a counselor

Out of high school, I joined the Army. I spent 6 years working on helicopters. I decided to leave after the end of my first contract. I went to undergrad at the ripe old age of 26. Loved all of it. Read more…

Long road to professional counselor

I am an Associate Professional Counselor. What that means is that I have met the criteria set out by the state of Georgia to be provisionally licensed as a Professional Counselor. After completing my degree I am required to take Read more…