March 5, 2021
Despite the almost daily reminders, I let my domain expired. I was standing in shower when I realized that I wouldn’t be getting any more warnings. $h!+ Now that I rescued my domain from the grace period that would have Read more…
My life in words
March 5, 2021
Despite the almost daily reminders, I let my domain expired. I was standing in shower when I realized that I wouldn’t be getting any more warnings. $h!+ Now that I rescued my domain from the grace period that would have Read more…
September 24, 2020
I saw this post on twitter where people were challenged to mentioned all of the stuff that has gone right this year. This is going to be a short post. My private practice expanded quickly. I was financially stable enough Read more…
October 19, 2018
Its been about five weeks since I have become more active. Every day I am either riding my bicycle or doing yoga. My shoulders are sore from the excessive down dogs and thanks to cycling my calf muscles feel more Read more…
October 9, 2018
Second in the avocation series is yoga. A physical practice that was more necessity than hobby but when I was practicing I wanted nothing else. Yoga was a game changer for me. Everyone in my life knew if I hadn’t Read more…
September 21, 2018
In my efforts to be better I have managed to ride my bike do some yoga every other day this week. A year ago I wrote a post about when and how I started practicing yoga. It was originally posted Read more…
September 11, 2018
If I look at my food situation like I look at my money situation. A complete overhaul of how I think needs to happen first. Like with my money, eating healthy feels like deprivation and not a solution to long Read more…
August 31, 2018
As someone who is moderately obsessed with self-help and self-improvement, my current lifestyle is a bit wonky. I read a lot of books, watch a lot of documentaries and videos. My current situation is as follows: I have acne, I’m Read more…