To do between jobs
October 2, 2018
You have found yourself between jobs. Here are some things you could be doing while searching for your next endeavor. Individuals tend to site a lack of time as deciding factor as to why they don’t do a variety of things. Now you have time. Make the most of it.
This is most likely a very stressful time for you. By taking some of these suggestions you can set yourself up to deal with all of the chaos.
Work out. Go for a walk. Move your body! This needs to be done to keep you alive. But just so you know, job loss can lead to depression. Who we are is uniquely tied to what we do. If you don’t do X are you still X? A great way to keep the depression monster off of your back is to exercise. Could be a simple as walking or as extreme as power lifting. The increase in physical activity can also have the glorious side effect of building confidence, which is perfect for your next big interview. You no longer have time as an excuse when it comes to taking care of yourself.
What have you been dying to do? These are the activities that bring you joy. Make you feel alive. Do you miss (insert hobby here). Get back to what you love. Is there something you have always wanted to try? Wood working, chess, dance, geocaching, painting, archery, whatever. When can you start?
Go outside
As mentioned earlier, changing jobs (especially if it was unexpected) can be emotional. Connecting with the life around you will have a centering effect helping to put things into perspective. Nature is the epitome of patience. An acorn does not become an oak tree overnight.
Find a spot and get quiet. If you know how meditate. Then think about what you would consider to be your most perfect day. Get specific. What time would you get up? What would you do all day? Who would you see? What kind of life would you lead? Once you have that in your head and sit with it for a while. Is it possible? If it is, reverse engineer it and set new goals. Make plans to make it a reality.
If you have the means, go someplace new. If you can’t go very far, just leave the house. A change in scenery can be inspirational. I knew a women who would play a game she called tourist in my own town. When she needed some distraction from the reality of her everyday she would visit the marque features of the city that she lived it. Visiting new places reminds us that the world we live in is bigger than what we have going on.
Your job is your primary (only) source of income. Now that you are looking again, how are you going to make ends meet? Look at the things that you are good at and see if you can turn anyone of them into a money making endeavor. There are many blogs, youtube channels, and sites that explain how to make money on the side. If writing is your thing create and sell an ebook. If you are a treasure hunter, head on over to the flea market looking for something to resell. Maybe you like making t-shirts with clever sayings. You have unlimited options to diversify your income streams. This down time between jobs may give you the time you need to get a new venture off of the ground.
Meet people in your field! Join your industry local organization and get your name out there. Head on over to Linked in and start searching for people to connect to who do what you do know or would like to do. Many networking lunches and meetings take place during the day and you are now available to attend.